D E B R A    S C H R O E D E R

debraI have lived in California my entire life, except for one bone-chilling year in Chicago when I was thirty-seven. I skedaddled back home to the desert near Palm Springs as soon as possible, yearning for sunny skies and warm fingers and toes.

Ten years ago, my husband John and I moved to Northern California near the Oregon border, seeking peace and quiet as we looked toward retirement. We now live in a beautiful but creaky old house. I do my best writing at night when the wind is whispering through the trees, leaves scuttle across the roof, and strange noises creep around the house and outside my window.

My journey to writing novels began with a love of reading at age four or five, starting with Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Suess. Through every phase of my life, good and bad, great stories have sustained me, filled me with joy, scared me, and at times saddened me as well. But all opened my eyes to a plethora of fascinating places, settings and magnificent characters.

Now, after a career in civil engineering / land development (which included tons of writing, but nothing fun or exciting) I have written two novels, both psychological thrillers with the same heroine, a troubled and haunted woman trying to retain her sanity and way of life.